Welcome to the forum for SAZ members,

we are glad you are here! The following rules and tips for the settings are here to make sure everybody feels welcome and to help you find your way around.

Rules for the forum

  • Confidentiality: This forum is exclusively an internal discussion platform for SAZ members, copying and publishing of posts is not permitted.
  • Write friendly, factual, articulate and remain tolerant – this does not exclude being passionate! Personal attacks, insults and improper polemics are the end of a good discussion. We reserve us the right to edit or delete corresponding posts – in the worst case also to block participants. Please make reports to the webmaster.
  • Stay on topic and do not deviate from the original topic in discussions. Start a new topic instead.
  • Everyone can start a new topic – except for: „Organization, News & Events“. Please note the following:
    • Find out if the topic already exists. If so, please do not open a new discussion on an existing topic.
    • Choose an apt and clear subject. It helps to orient yourself on existing discussion topics.

Personal settings

In the settings, you can customize the forum to your personal needs: Click on the colored point with your initial letter top right and then on the gear icon for “Settings”.:

  • Information on new posts can be sent to you via e-mail. Scroll to „Email“ for this option.
  • Language settings: In “Settings” you can also set the user "Interface language" (Oberflächensprache). You can choose the language for the content in the forum itself at the bottom right (Google Translator). This way the interface and all content appears in your own language – so no one has to be able to speak German or English!

We wish you the best of luck and lively discussions!

Webmaster and Executive Board of the Spiele-Autoren-Zunft

Pivacy Protection

  • All content displayed here is only visible to logged in members.
  • You can edit your own posts as you like. Individual contributions can only be deleted upon special written request to the SAZ office.
  • If you leave the SAZ, all your posts will be kept and will not be deleted.