
Christian Beiersdorf

Hans-Peter Stoll

As manager of SAZ, Hans-Peter Stoll is your contact person in the membership administration, for all organizational issues, for events and for the media.

Hans-Peter Stoll has been a game designer since 2003 and an SAZ member since 2007. His first game was "Freeze" (later "Bühne frei" at Ravensburger), the first improvisational theatre game ever. He is an improvisational actor himself and also works on many creative, artistic levels as well as a freelance consultant and trainer. For many years he was a moderator at the German Game Designer Conference in Weilburg. Since August 2020 he is manager of SAZ.


Consultant for intellectual property issues and public affairs

Christian Beiersdorf

Christian Beiersdorf

Christian Beiersdorf advises members on technical and contractual problems*) and is responsible for communication with political parties and ministries, with various cultural institutions and with game publishers. He represents the SAZ in the German Initiative Urheberrecht as well as in the Council for Socio-Culture and Cultural Education of the German Cultural Council. In the German Cultural Council he is a member of the Expert Committee on Intellectual Property Law.

Christian Beiersdorf has been active in the games industry for over 40 years, develops games himself and is the owner of the Projekt Spiel agency. From 2009 to 2015 he was a member of the board, then from 2015 to 2020 he was manager of SAZ.

We ask for your understanding that we can assist only members regarding contractual issues. This consulting service is based on the expertise gained by members but does not constitute legal counseling. If necessary, we give members the legal advice of our legal advisor in Berlin. Of course, we treat all inquiries with strict confidentiality.