New German government wants to bring analog games into the German National Library's collection catalog

The coalition agreement of SPD, BÜNDNIS'90/DIE GRÜNEN and FDP defines in the section cultural and media policy: "Analog games shall be able to be named in the collection catalog of the German National Library." Even if the wording is somewhat waxy, this is a milestone in the enforcement of our long-standing demand. The inclusion of analog games in this library collection catalog is a decisive step towards realizing the legal claim to library royalties that arises when games are lent out by public libraries. To date, there is no comprehensive and legally recognized data basis for this. However, this is a precondition for the payout of the library royalty by VG WORT. It will also finally make the public recognition of the cultural asset of games visible and a reality.

We would like to thank all those who have been involved in developing and implementing our demand to date: the Initiative Urheberrecht, from whose circle the suggestion for this solution arose already in 2013; the Deutscher Kulturrat, which adopted this demand in a resolution as early as 2015; and of course, the cultural politicians of the upcoming German government who have codified this goal in the coalition agreement. In practical implementation, there will certainly still be some hurdles to overcome. In the coming months and years, we will therefore do everything in our power to find a practical solution and hope for further support.

This can be probably a blueprint for other countries too.

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