PLAY a Modena
Modena - Fiera
This year at Play 2018, the main Italian boardgame convention held each year in Modena, SAZ will be present for the first time with a series of initiatives.
Starting on Friday April 6 at PlayTrade, the pre-fair event dedicated to industry professionals, SAZ will organize four talks dedicated to contracts, game development, designer/publisher relations and books on game design. The detailed list of the talks can be found here (Italian only):
Initiatives will continue into the main fair on Saturday April 7 and Sunday April 8, where SAZ will be present with a dedicated booth in Hall C, and the "Play with the Designer" space in Hall 3, booth C33, where gamers will be able to meet with the designers, play games together and discuss game design. Further detail here (in Italian):
SAZ members will have a discount for the admission tickets of both PlayTrade and the main Play fair, with speakers at the talks and Play with the Designer volunteers having free entrance.